R/material_region multi v3.R

Defines functions f_mat_regi_multi fcstMat_region

f_mat_regi_multi <- function(x, connection, ilevel, iYYYY, ifreq,  sendfcserie) {
  phantom <- x[1]
  region <- x[2]
  sma_only = FALSE

  df2 <-  dbGetQuery(connection, "SeLECT fcrun FROM current_run;" )
  fcrun <- df2[,"fcrun"]
  todate <- x[3]  #parameter for last date of history to take into account
  fcperiod <- x[4]

  status_message <- 0
  status_message$status <- 'Initialized'
  status_message$message <- 'Initialized'
  iquery <- "select requested_deliv_date,liters from get_orderqtyvalue_per_date_inclmaterial_cluster_region_multiv2($1,$2,$3,$4)"
  fcaccuracy <- extTryCatch(fcstMat_region(connection , phantom, ilevel, region, iquery, FALSE,sma_only, iYYYY, ifreq , status_message, todate))
  write_fcobject_todb(connection, fcaccuracy, ilevel, phantom, region, iYYYY, fcperiod, sendfcserie, fcrun,sma_only)
  # print(x[1])

fcstMat_region <- function( connection , Phantom, org_level, region, query,  intermittent, sma_only, DateMask, yrfreq, status, todate) {

  df_postgres <- RPostgreSQL::dbGetQuery(connection,  query, c(Phantom, DateMask, region, todate))
  # df_postgres <- RPostgreSQL::dbGetQuery(con,  iquery, c(phantom, iYYYY, region, todate))

  myts <- ts(df_postgres[ ,2], start = c(2015, 1), frequency = yrfreq)
  ##return (myts)
  ##myts <- myts[cumsum(myts)!=0]
  returnobject <- fcstgetAccuracy(myts, intermittent, status, yrfreq,sma_only)
  returnobject$totalvolume = sum(myts)
  returnobject$ts <- myts
  status$status <- "Completed"
  status$message <- "Completed"

  return (returnobject)

koenslootmans/aXialyzefcstcontrol documentation built on May 27, 2019, 11:50 p.m.